Conditions that can be addressed with Acupuncture, Herbal Formulas and Nutraceutical Remedies: Pain Addictions PMS Infertility Fibromyalgia Migraine Headaches IBS Digestive Problems Irregular Menses Erectile Dysfunction Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Side effects from traditional cancer treatments
Other Tools Used by Practitioner
Acupressure/Laser When a client is sensitive to needles to activate acupuncture points. Sometimes used with small children/babies.
Auricular Therapy In Chinese medicine, many micro-systems in the body reflect the whole body. Needling or putting beads in the ear can stimulate body points and unblock qi as well.
Battlefield Acupuncture The U.S. military has been tapping into acupuncture therapy for pain to help its soldiers to thwart opioid abuse, reports have shown. One of the most popular forms is called “battlefield acupuncture, ” according to Dr. Richard Niemtzow, who developed BFA in 2001 An important piece of acupuncture is that treatment can help relieve pain quickly without the risk of addiction that can happen with opioids. The military uses acupuncture that involves ear acupuncture, or auricular, and Army officials said that has been effective in reducing pain. “The up-to-10 needles, five per ear, used are only 1 millimeter in length and are either gold-plated or made of steel,” according to the Army. “Minimal pain is experienced when they are placed in the outer ear. Eventually they fall out after three to seven days on average.” This procedure can be used for severe pain at Golden Lotus.
Cosmetic Acupuncture Helps fine lines and wrinkles and works to increase circulation and qi flow in the face.
Cupping Use of glass or plastic cups with pressure or heat that also releases pathogens that are stuck in deep muscle layers.
Electrical Stimulation Often used for pain in conjunction with acupuncture needles.
Gua sha Gentle scraping. Used to release pathogens (manifested in muscle pain) that are trapped in the muscle layer.
Guided Visualization A customized guided visualization will be designed for your specific needs accessing theta brain waves to help you dive into the deepest levels of relaxation, transformation and self discovery.
Life Coaching Life coaching suggestions are birthed from a background education in counseling, nutraceutical/food energetics, oriental medicine and many other forms of study. Not only symptoms are addressed in your life coaching plan. Treatment suggestions are formulated for each patient's unique emotional/physical and spiritual needs. N.A.D.A Detox Helps alleviate symptoms of recreational drug reactions, alcoholism and detoxes the body through auricular (ear) needles, seeds or beads.
N.E.T.(Neuro-emotional Technique) Is used to establish balance in an organism by adjustment to the spine or using Acupuncture meridian systems. It resolves “fixations of emotion” held in the body that is created by an organism in response to a real or imagined threat to any aspect of survival,usually created in childhood. This trauma is often stored on a cellular level and manifests in various symptoms such as chronic pain, reoccurring subluxation, or repetitive thinking or reactions that can impede normal functioning and that will not go away with traditional means. The practitioner can help clear and eliminate these imbalances with homeopathic to that prolong treatment. N.E.T uses neuro- mechanisms of speech, syntax, cutaneous reflex points, and the acupuncture meridian system clear any blockages or impediments related to the “stuck cellular trauma”
Nutraceutical and Chinese Herbal Formulas Practitioner’s nutraceutical line works internally for a multitude of symptoms to assist the body with a variety of symptoms from detoxing, eliminating toxins, building digestion and the gut. The practitioner will help build protocols depending on individual needs. Only the highest quality nutraceuticals are utilized by the practitioner. Chinese formulas supplement deficient and excessive patterns in Chinese Medicine diagnosis and helps multiple conditions.
Tui na Chinese massage to restore flow of qi.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
The sterile acupuncture needles are the size of a cat whisker and are used only once. Most people do not experience any pain.
Common reactions: Pressure Running water Mild pricking sensation Aching
If there is a minor reaction, is it usually an indication that the qi is blocked and the needles are working to unblock the obstructions in the body.
Side effects: Most people experience a feeling of relaxation/well being and some feel energized, depending on what the body is needing at the time to be in balance.
On rare occasions, because of small capillaries in the body, a patient may experience minor bruising or aching after treatment, and on very rare occasions, dizziness.